Myopia is a refractive error also known as nearsightedness that makes distant objects appear blurry while nearby objects remain clear. It’s one of the most common vision problems in Canada, affecting nearly 30% of Canadians.
Myopia generally begins in the early school-age years, worsens throughout the adolescent years, and stabilizes around age 20. Myopia is associated with some eye diseases, and since it’s becoming more common worldwide, there’s a great deal of research into methods to delay it.
We offer kid-friendly myopia control methods designed to slow the progression of this vision problem. If you have questions about your child’s vision, please give us a call. We’re always happy to help.

What is High Myopia?
Myopia occurs when the eyes grow too long or the cornea’s curve becomes too steep. A child’s eyes normally grow until they reach the expected length, then stop. But occasionally, a child’s eyes continue to grow.
Since the eyes grow most rapidly in early childhood, children who develop myopia around ages 6 to 8 have a greater chance of having high myopia.
In a correctly functioning eye, light travels through the cornea, which bends it at the appropriate angle to come to a focal point on the retina. In a myopic eye, the eyeball is too long in proportion to the curvature of the cornea. This results in the light coming to a focal point just in front of the retina, rather than directly on it.
Some cases of myopia progress, getting worse and worse over time. This is called malignant myopia.
Myopia is Becomming more Common in Kids
Myopia in kids can be particularly troubling because as the child grows, so does their eye. This can make their refractive error worse as they grow up.
Your kids may not realise they’re struggling with their vision. That’s why it’s crucial that you bring your kids in for an eye exam every year. The sooner we can diagnose myopia, the sooner we can keep slow down the progression.
Myopia Control
Myopia control consists of using specific methods of vision correction to slow the progression of your child’s nearsightedness. By relieving eye strain and fatigue, and inducing structural changes to the eye, we can delay the development of more advanced myopia.
Although myopia control isn’t a cure, it key to ensuring your child has the best possible vision as an adult.​
Methods of Myopia Control
There are a number of ways to help control myopia. We use these methods and others; sometimes alone, sometimes in conjunction. Book an appointment with us today and ask what methods of myopia control might help your child.
Multifocal Contact Lenses
Multifocal contacts offer a variety of magnification strengths in different areas of the lens. Rather than just correcting distance vision and hindering close up vision, multifocal contacts offer correction for distance vision, and clear vision for close-up work. This saves the eye from strain, which can help delay the progression of myopia.